This game is inspired by Getting Over It / Jump King / Pogostuck.

You are joined with a Ball & Chain and the only way to move is to throw the ball and follow.

Your goal is to get out by going to the top of the level.

Spent million hours trying to make chain physics with no success so game is pretty raw, basically made in just couple hours with no polish


Press Left Mouse Button - Start swinging the ball

Release Left Mouse Button - Throw the ball

R - Restart

Playthrough (yes it is possible):

Controls for reduced anger:

P - save current position

L - load previously saved position


Download 1.2 MB
Version 1 Jun 13, 2021
Download 3.1 MB
Version 1 Jun 13, 2021
Download 1.4 MB
Version 1 Jun 13, 2021

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